Monday, January 12, 2015

Cheia unui machiaj reusit: fond de ten, anticearcan, pudra!

Cand mi-am inceput activitatea de make-up artist, auzeam in stanga si-n dreapta ca baza de machiaj inseamna de fapt, tot machiajul. Mai mult, fara o baza aplicata perfect pe fata, talentul si imaginatia nici nu mai conteaza. " Total absurd"- mi-am spus.

Recunosc ca am fost usor sceptica si ma gandeam la colegii mei ca la niste artisti nebuni, care  nu inteleg cat de important este machiajul ochilor. De fapt, doar el conta ( in imaginatia mea ). Privind in urma, realizez ca aveau dreptate si sunt absolut convinsa ca baza machiajului este cel mai important element si fara ea orice produs aplicat pe fata ( mai putin pentru gene si sprancene ) o sa curga, faca riduri false, intre in piele etc.

Baza de machiaj este compusa din fond de ten, atincearcan si pudra. Insist pe acest subiect pentru ca, odata ce ai invatat cum trebuie folosite aceste produse, realizarea restului o sa ti se para floare la ureche. In plus, daca vei aplica baza asa cum trebuie, tot machiajul iti va rezista pe fata mai mult decat te astepti.

Ordinea in care produsele se aplica pe fata este urmatoarea:

Dimineata iti demachezi tenul in profunzile, iar apoi il tonifici. Urmeaza aplicarea cremei de zi, care poate sa reprezinte si o buna baza in vederea aplicarii machiajului.

Inainte de a aplica fondul de ten pe fata, ia o cantitate suficienta de produs si aplic-o pe partea exterioara a palmei stangi. De ce? Pentru ca fondul de ten trebuie sa ia temperatura corpului tau inainte de a fi aplicat pe fata. Altfel, acesta o sa se imbranzeasca, o sa arate ca o masca si o sa migreze de pe piele. Dupa ce l-ai lasat cateva secunde ( pana nu-l mai simti rece pe mana ), aplica un strat de fond de ten pe toata suprafata tenului, prin tapotare, iar la linia de implantare a parului (frunte, tample etc) se sterge usor, pentru a evita inesteticele linii de delimitare.

Anticearcanul se aplica in cantitate mica pe zona cearcanelor si pe pleoape, avand insa grija sa nu il aplici mai jos de cearcane (pe obraz). Altfel, vei anula efectul acestuia si vei crea aspectul de ochelari ( cred ca ai vazut in poze- mai ales selfie-uri - cum anumite domnisoare au zona cearcanelor cu muuult prea deschisa si poti sa bagi mana in foc ca si-au dorit sa-si faca niste ochelari din machiaj :) ). Cu ajutorul aniciarcanului poti sa si scluptezi fata ( sa maresti distanta dintre ochi, sa maresti buza superioara etc ), insa despre asta vom discuta mai tarziu, la capitolul " iluminare si umbrire in functie de trasaturi ".

Pudra este produsul cheie care fixeaza machiajul si absoarbe toata grasimea de pe fata  si din fond de ten. Aceasta trebuie aplicata peste fond de ten si anticearcan, inclusiv pe pleoape si buze. Pentru a evita efectul de ten incarcat, aplica o pudra care ti se potriveste: pudra pulbere pt un ten normal, uscat sau mixt si pudra compacta pt un ten gras sau excesiv gras. Daca refuzi sa folosesti pudra, tot machiajul o sa-ti migreze, in cateva ore nu o sa se mai vada machiajul ochilor ( toate produsele au intrat in piele sau au migrat in pliul pleoapei sau pe cearcane), iar fardul de obraz o sa ramana...patat ( o mare pata, in loc de pomete frumos sculptat).

Dupa ce ai terminat de aplicat cele trei produse de machiaj, uita-te in oglinda! Nu e asa ca arati senzational, desi inca nu ai inceput machiajul ochilor?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to find out if you are eligible to get a mortgage?

Before you start looking for the ideal home , you must consider the sources of your income so you can pay off. Have or not enough money to pay an advance or not you are eligible to receive the loan from the bank , have enough guarantors for the loan you want to him , he shall allow or later to pay rates ?The first and last question you can not answer than you , but we can come help you learn quick answers to other questions.

You are not eligible or financially ?In order to figure out whether or not you are eligible to receive a bank loan you can make a calculation using the following formula :Your average net income for the last 3 or 6 months minus 300 lei ( personal monthly shopping ) , all divided by 2 ( ie a gearing of 50 % ) and hence the approximate monthly installment that you can afford ( in view of the bank ) .example:30 years young , unmarried , without dependents , no other loansAverage net salary in the last 6 months = 1000 lei= > (1000 - 300) : 2 = 350 lei£ 350 is the maximum rate that the client can pay monthly, which means it can take a loan (together with applicable interest ) of about £ 8400 for a period of 24 months (350 * 24 = 8400) .

In case of such young have a dependent child , then the above calculation is also lower in the 1000 another 300 lei lei , representing monthly shopping baby ... and then obviously all the data change radically .But if the amount you want to receive from the bank , however, is higher and your income is not sufficient , then you should bring one up to two debtors (or guarantors ) . In this case, you will collect all revenue averages for the last 3 or 6 months, and subtract your monthly costs and the co-debtor pimples . The amount obtained a split second and will result in the maximum rate you can afford .

Attention!The total maximum amount that you can sustain the rate over the loan period is different from the amount that we offer as a bank loan. The maximum total amount that will be paid at the end of the contract includes bank interest and other fees , and possibly life insurance , if applicable. As an idea but if you want to make a calculation table for a 30-year loan , you divide the total amount that can support 2 and find out which is roughly the amount of money you actually borrow vo bank.

Quick Loans for Students

Although it seems hard to believe , among customers IFNs are also many students. Reasons why fast loans they take are endless : the studies pay , payment of advances for rent, payment of fee extracurricular courses , payment of debts , etc. .Student years are perhaps among the most beautiful in one's life . Away from parental nagging , close friends , fun nights in the dorm or clubs, but lost nights studying for exams, spontaneous departures mountain or sea ... A lot of good memories remain from this period . But among the memories remain clear and times when you remain without a penny in his pocket , waiting for next week to come pack with food and pennies from parents .

Sometimes, however , parents no longer afford to support their children in school , so they are forced to fend for themselves if they want to continue their studies. And when life changes . Most times , these students could undertake to do . Some of them because of financial difficulties , have to work harder so they can not attend the day without pay , the faculty and are forced to work not only to lead his student days , to and cover with everything that textbooks , books, prints, projects, etc. , but also to pay their taxes. And how faculty fees nowadays are overly large , then there remains only one way to make the money. Sometimes they manage to raise the necessary amounts or at times but not completely.

And as their incomes are low work book as deh - employers taxes are very high and they prefer to pass the minimum income instruments , students can often get cash loan from the bank. So you are forced to borrow from non-bank financial institutions , paying a higher price for credit contracted rapidly .Sometimes students are turning to fast loans not only to pay their tuition , but they missed a place in the home and are forced to live with rent. But to be able to move it to rent is well known that require advance. So while there money challenge .Of course , we now discuss situations where some students enter the various problems that no one even thinks to take into account and which are dangerous even for their lives.There are situations less unfortunate , however, that although not a student has to pay tuition fee or rent, want to deepen their studies through various projects that involve some costs . If that is the only exchange student , not an employee , unfortunately has no chance to take any money from the bank loan . So turning to fast loans to IFN .

It is important that there is for all students who have been documented as revenue . They just need to get in touch with a consultant of an IFN or complete forms on the websites of non-banking financial institutions , to meet all eligibility requirements and submit the required documents : copy of ID, income certificate / other certificate income in the last three months and a utility bill . The client is eligible if it has more than 21 years , recorded in the last three months a monthly income of £ 270 or 540 per family , if a Roman citizen and have permanent residence in Romania . If all conditions are met and documents are sent within 24 hours the student receives the loan money it needs ( and falling financial , obviously) .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quick Loan urgently needed money

Sometimes friends or family have a willingness to believe us, so we do not just have to resort to bank loans or , if the amount needed is not more than £ 3,000 and no more than 400, then we require the services increa a non -banking institutions ( NBFIs ) .
They offer as a loan , as I said , between 400 and 3000 lei in 48 hours. Some even come IFNs you get the money in your home . To obtain such a loan fast you do not need guarantors or collateral materials. Another great advantage is that here no fees or hidden. You know from the start exactly how you will pay in total. You have to pay only the monthly , which is fixed throughout the loan period .
To obtain such a loan quickly from one IFN just need to fill out a form. Say goodbye to paperwork and queues at the counter ! Both the granting of the loan , and payment rates are in your home . Loan repayment period can be 28 , 42 or 56 weeks.
Credit conditions are more relaxed than the bank! You just have to have reached the age of 21 years and have a stable income . The rest takes care company .
And very interestingly, in the unfortunate event of difficulties in payment rates , these companies are extremely flexible in terms of rescheduling rates without additional costs will be charged .

Quick loans

Today the opportunities come and go in the blink of an eye . For this reason , when you find one right for you , you should not miss. But sometimes it happens that the wonderful opportunity to appear at the worst possible time : when you have money. What can you do if it is to think of where you can purchase as quickly amounts necessary investment.
Turn to relatives and friends , but there can not have anyone available amount. Then you think to sell certain goods quickly ... but for the sale to happen quickly, your price should be very attractive to potential customers ... Sai variant you use a bank loan , but in this case you have to wait at least two weeks to get your money .
So you no longer remains an option , the rescue : a rapid credit to non-bank financial institution ( NBFI ) . In this way you make a loan quickly and that you take the opportunity arose . You do not have to give explanations to anyone for what you need the money , do not have to convince anyone that opportunity when you decided to invest is real , do not have to convince anyone that you can return the borrowed money . All you have to do is to call a phone number and an agent of IFN will come directly to your home to advise you . Or fill out a form and you will be contacted by a consultant within 60 minutes.
Credit conditions are very relaxed. You just have to have between 21 and 69 years , being a Roman citizen and residence in one of the cities where we offer loans , have a certain proof of income ( payslip or pension certificate ) and possibly a statement from any bank in Romania . Your income must be a minimum of £ 270 or £ 540 per family , and the money they can get through this quickly credit are between 500 and 3,500 lei. If you opted for service credit at home, after being directed by the consultant and have drawn together for the credit file within 48 hours your consultant comes directly to your home and bring you money .
Now that you get credit elegant fast, you can enjoy the quiet of your opportunity arose !

How long to access an online non-bank credit?

Fast loan online nonbank site requires entry of NFIs and completing an online form . Nonbank credit approval online is a fast , considering the circumstances grant .
The idea of these loans online is precisely to get quick money . Amounts borrowed through these loans are small , but the possibility of filling online forms is one easy , saving your visits to the premises of that institution.
In principle IFNs check your history as a creditor, even if you apply online to get a fast non-bank credit . This verification delay somewhat non-bank lending . This is done especially when the lender wants to maintain a certain status in your credit report . Failure to comply with this request may delay the approval of your application or may result in rejection of your application completed online .
Quick online form to obtain a non-bank credit must be completed correctly. If you are required to provide necessary information and complete the non-bank credit fast approval is precisely because the aim of IFNs to be given credit quickly . You must ensure that you have correctly filled the online form . Any errors made ​​in completing the online form to obtain a rapid non-bank credit may lead to blocking of granting credit or delay obtaining it.

Find out how much money you borrow from the bank to renovate the house

If you decided to purchase a home using a mortgage , then it is good to think about some aspects . First you should think that your financial resources to pay a deposit . For mortgage loans , banks generally require a deposit of 25-30 % of the imobililului . Then you have to consider whether or not you are eligible to receive the loan from the bank.
If dumnevoastra income is too low to achieve the desired amount , you can bring up to 2 debtors ( 1st degree relatives ) who also are eligible . And most importantly you need to have it cleared from your income you can afford to pay rates then ?
What it means to be an eligible customer ?
Eligible customer is a person who has a stable income , been documented , no outstanding bank loans or other state and that , if the income is from salary , is employed at a company that made ​​a profit at least the previous year.
If you have determined that you are eligible for bank customer , then you can proceed to the next step, namely calculating the rate that , in view of the bank , you can afford . The formula is as follows: the average net income of your last 3 or 6 months subtract 300 lei ( personal monthly shopping ) and if you have other credit rates , rates that amount to be paid . The result is divided by 2 (because the banks allowed a gearing of 50 % ) and this way you get approximately the monthly amount that you can afford .
example:30 years young , unmarried , without dependents , no other loansAverage net salary in the last 6 months = 2000 lei= > (2000 - 300) : 2 = 850 lei£ 850 bank rate is the maximum value that this client can afford to pay monthly .
Further, if you want to know how much you can give as a bank loan , multiply the rate that you pay by the number of months you want to contract credit. You will get the total amount of the loan upon completion of the contract. This amount includes absolutely all fees and interest charged by the bank , and life insurance if necessary . So this result we divided by 2 ( if we refer to a period of 30 years , most likely over the loan contract will be paid in total twice the amount borrowed ) and you found out the approximate value of the loan that give it to you bank.
In our example :£ 850 x 360 months = £ 306000 - is the total amount of credit25500 : 2 = £ 153,000 - is the approximate value of the loan that the bank gives to the young .
It should be noted that if the young man in our example would have a dependent child , then his income would drop his basket so monthly, and the child, ie instead of 300 lei , 600 lei would decrease . Obviously in this case , the data change considerably .If the young man wanted to get a larger amount , then you have to bring the debtors . In this case, the rate you can afford to pay is calculated as follows : the amount of income the debtor and co-debtor minus their daily baskets and divides the result by 2.
Be careful though when you bring debtors to their ages !The loan can be contracted for a maximum of 30 years on condition that the borrower and co-debtors to fulfill up to 65 years after the contract ends .For example, if one of the debtors is 50 years , the loan can be contracted only a maximum of 15 years. It can make quite small deviations , but the rules in this respect differs from bank to bank and it is best to have discussions with several financial advisors from several banks , or more simply , a bank broker .